Other Side of the Couch

Welcome to a blog that aims to be full of insightful ramblings from a licensed psychotherapist, with a specialty in sex therapy and marriage and family therapy. It is my hope that this blog will be of interest to people in therapy, people contemplating therapy, people contemplating being therapists, people about to be therapists and people who already are therapists!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Online Therapy Site Goes Live!

To all those loyal readers who have emailed me to ask why the long absence, I'd like to thank you for your patience. Buying a house, packing up boxes, moving and unpacking, maintaining a busy clinical practice of face-to-face clients, along with the usual craziness of the holidays, my sister visiting me from England and working hard to get my new online venture up and "live" .....all these things and more have consumed my attention in the last few months. To those stalwart folks who are still awaiting a response to their email, my apologies. I will be in touch with you all shortly.

Meanwhile, I'm very proud of the Jassy Timberlake Online Therapy website
and I look forward to expanding my clinical practice into cyberspace. Plus, I'll be back to writing in my blog more regularly in the coming days. Stick around!