I'm ba-a-ack!
I've returned from vacation, and will be in my office tomorrow. It's always hard to end a vacation, but it definitely helps if you enjoy the job you are returning to. This particular vacation was helpful in that I realized I don't take enough vacation, and that I need to set aside more healing time for myself in order to have more to give in return to clients.
Meanwhile, having checked my phone messages upon my return, I discover that the telephone voicemail is full. Among the calls I received were:
* Several phone calls from clients checking in on me and asking for call-backs when I get back to town
* Beth from Computer Geeks (again) telling me about their fabulous service based here in Watertown (I haven't yet called her, given that I have "Computer Rick" and don't need Beth, with or without her "geeks!" )
* Verizon Wireless DSL trying to persuade me to sign up for service. I had DSL before and it didn't feel that much faster than dial-up...leastways not enough to make up for the fee differential.
* A couple of clients who decided that they were ready to return to therapy and when could I fit them in?
* 6 calls from prospective clients who would like to come in for couples therapy. One person asked if I worked on Saturday. That stopped me in my tracks. I don't think I know of a single therapist who works on Saturdays. Then I remembered that I used to work on Saturdays many years ago - but there wasn't much call for it, so I stopped.
* Several phone calls from clients who wanted to change their appointment time.
* Sundry calls from other therapists and psychiatrists checking in on mutual clients.
Today was my first day back in town. Despite the fact that I wasn't officially working, I did return calls (in the order in which they were received).
I also spent 3 hours at the dentist's surgery while my granddaughter got veneers put on her two front teeth which had snapped in half during a bicycle accident while I was on vacation. Her teeth have now gone from large, buck toothed and crooked to perfectly straight and average sized. Ah, the wonders of modern dentistry! What was not pleasant was listening to her screaming from the other side of the building...apparently, she spotted "The Needle" despite having been told to keep her eyes closed. These loud and terrified screams came despite the fact that she had previously been giggling up a storm on laughing gas...I dread to think what would have happened if she hadn't been sniffing the gas.
Anyway, it's good to be back.
At 5:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glad you are back safe and everything. Sucks about your grand daughter and the dentist. :P
At 7:01 PM,
Jassy said…
S-girl: Thanks for the welcome back...and yes, you sum up my poor granddaughter's situation admirably. It does "suck" and it's hard to watch her be in pain.
At 2:20 PM,
Curtis and Shae said…
Glad you are back. I look forward to reading more of your blogs. It is very interesting to read your perspective on things. I look forward to becoming a psychologist one of these days and doing my share to help people.
At 2:10 PM,
Jassy said…
Shazer: good to see you back here again, and I'm glad that you are interested in my perspective. I remember that part of my journey toward becoming a "helping professional" involved sifting through all the various perspectives and ideas and coming to understand what was mine, versus what belonged to my professors. Is this similar to your experience? Many years after I have finished my schooling, I remain endlessly fascinated by the various schools of thought that abound. There's always much to learn, no matter what your profession.
At 7:10 PM,
Curtis and Shae said…
I do indeed have to "sift" through perspectives. There are a lot I like, and a lot I dislike...but most all are helpful in some way. I love to read anything about psychology. Anything...really. I am fascinated to read of others experiences....and I especially love to read case notes. Love's Executioner by Yalom is a favorite of mine. I have learned so much about myself through going to counseling...that I love to watch the process of other people "finding" themselves as well. I worried for a long time that going to counseling myself was a bad thing....that I shouldn't "have" to do it. But, my views have changed a lot since then. M- has really helped me to see that it is important to first "fix" yourself so that you are able to help "fix" others.
At 1:18 PM,
Jassy said…
Shazer: sometimes you will find that you are only one step ahead of your patients, or learning along with them. If you have already begun an internship, you may already have had that experience. I'm glad to hear that you love to read psych books, particularly case notes. There are some fabulous books out there, with detailed case notes and I always find these fascinating as learning tools. Did you see my blog on whether therapists "should" be in therapy? I'd be interested in your further insight, given that you mention a few thoughts on this.
At 5:10 PM,
Curtis and Shae said…
You'll have to check my blog every once in a while. I plan to do one on the importance of "finding" yourself first (through therapy) before helping others find themselves. I hate to keep commenting on this page though, because I take up so much room. If it is ok with you...that I take up a butt-load of room on your comment post I'll continue...if not, just tell me and I'll find some other way of getting ahold of you to talk about all this awesome psych stuff.
P.S. Got any good recommendations for case note books? I am always looking...
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